Ormoc Vicariate
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish
Ormoc City 6541
Founded: 1630
There has been no change in the
structure of the church of Ormoc except that of the altar. Originally, the
statues of Sts. Peter and Paul were standing side by side at the center of the
altar. Then, another parish priest placed a crucifix in the middle and transferred
the two saints on each side just outside the niche. A makeover of the altar
came during my term as a parish priest when a gold-leafed retablo was installed
in 2007 with three niches for the crucifix at the center and Sts. Peter and Paul
on each side. This would be the last completed project of Arnel Cardinal, the
retablo maker from Laguna. The niches on
the sides of the church were also improved to match with the altar retablo. The
next parish priest replaced the patron saints with smaller ones and placed them
side by side in the same niche and statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and
Mary on the other niche, replacing also the corpus on the crucifix.
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Valencia, Ormoc City 6541
Founded: 1947
Mother of the Redeemer Parish
Cogon, Ormoc City 6541
Founded: 1984
The church of the Mother of the Redeemer Parish in Cogon, Ormoc was renovated a number of times. First, there was an extension on the left wing
of the church to accommodate the growing community. This did not suffice. Another expansion was
made by changing the orientation of the church, cutting across the middle of the main nave so that they became the side wings of the church. The side entrance was extended to become the
main entrance and the other end extended to become the altar. When typhoon
Yolanda came, it suffered much damage. But they soon were able to get back on
track and finish the church, now much bigger, taller and certainly more
beautiful than the old one.
Immaculate Conception Parish
Ipil, Ormoc City 6541
Founded: 1989
Feastday: December 8
Being just a barangay chapel, the church of Ipil was small with
low ceiling. Finding a larger area to build a church proved unsuccessful and so
they had to contend with just expanding the church and building the convent in that
same place with an added little space adjacent
to the church that the parish later acquired.
San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila Parish
Simangan, Ormoc City 6541
Founded: 1993
Feastday: September 28
Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish,
Curva, Ormoc City 6541
Founded: 2003
Feastday: September 23
When Curva was created a mission station, there was a small chapel
that they kept on improving. By 2007, the flooring has been tiled and the
altar improved. The altar was further beautified by 2009 while at the same time
they already started building a bigger church on the lot at the back of the
chapel. When super typhoon Yolanda
struck, the church was almost finished. In fact church activities were already celebrated there. The old chapel had been demolished to become the parking space. The roof including the trusses were blown away by the typhoon
and so they had to start rebuilding again.
St. Mark the Evangelist Parish
Linao, Ormoc City 6541
Founded: 2003
San Jose Parish
Brgy. San Jose, Ormoc City
When San Jose, Ormoc became a Mission Station, it was first called
the St. Christopher Magallanes Mission Station, after the Mexican
priest-martyr. A bigger church was also nearing completion replacing the small
barangay chapel before. Typhoon Yolanda totally destroyed it. When they started
rebuilding, all the posts that remained had to be demolished and they had to
start from scratch with a new design, much bigger and taller than the destroyed
one and also much beautiful. When it was finally proclaimed a parish, it was
returned to its original patron, St. Joseph.
St. James the Great Parish
Albuera, Leyte 6542
Founded: 1862
Feastday: July 25
Sto. Niño Parish
Damulaan, Albuera, Leyte 6542
Founded: 2004
Feastday: January 15
Damulaan also started from a small barangay chapel when it was
created a Mission Station in 2004. Construction of a bigger church right away
St. Isidore Parish
Merida, Leyte 6540
Founded: 1917
The installation of a gold leaf altar retablo was newly finished
when I visited the church of Merida in 2017.
Holy Family Parish
Kananga, Leyte 6531
Founded: 1959
Feastday: December 12
(Photo taken: May 13, 2024)
St. John the Baptizer Parish
Tugbong, Kananga, Leyte
Founded: 2003
Feastday: April 25
The Mission Station of Tugbong also had a small chapel when it was
created. The building of a new church was ongoing when typhoon Yolanda came and
did much damage to the church. They soon
were able to finish building a new church that by 2017 it was elevated to
become a parish.
St. John Paul II Mission Station
Punta, 6541 Ormoc City
St. Rita de Cascia Mission Station
Biasong, 6540 Merida, Leyte
Palompon Vicariate
St. Francis Xavier Parish
Palompon, Leyte 6538
Founded: 1784
The façade of the Palompon church was changed by scrapping the
outer layer of the walls to reveal the coral stone structure and constructing a
bigger canopy at the front entrance while also remodeling the belfry. The altar
with a metallic surrounding the Risen Christ was replaced with a retablo.
The Parish of St. Joseph the Worker
Cantuhaon, Palompon, Leyte 6538
Founded: 1968
St. Michael the Archangel Parish
San Miguel, Palompon, Leyte 6538
Founded: 2009
Feastday: September 29
Holy Infant Jesus Parish
Isabel, Leyte 6539
Founded: 1877
Feastday: January 15
When Isabel became the site of the industrial estate in the late
70s, the town from being a quiet little backwater suddenly came to life with
the influx of people and growth of economy that the church could no longer
contain the growing population. A new church was built in the space in front of
the old church. With the growing popularity
of having a retablo, the parish also joined the bandwagon when the altar was
St. Augustine Parish
Matlang, Isabel, Leyte 6539
Founded: 2005

Matlang which is the barangay nearest the Leyte Industrial
Development Estate in Isabel experienced a boom once the copper smelter plant
became operational. Because of the increase of the population it was created a Mission Station. They soon embarked on constructing a bigger church
after they were able to relocate the informal settlers that occupied in the
church property. By 2009 they already transferred
to the new church which by then had already become a parish. Yolanda blew away the roof . They were able
to recover right away and had the church repaired.
Holy Child Parish
Villaba, Leyte 6537
Founded: 1918
Feastday: 2nd Sat. of February
The side altars
St. Andrew the Apostle Parish
Tagbubunga, Villaba, Leyte 6537
Founded: 2005
St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Matagob, Leyte 6532
Founded: 1965
This completes the post on the parish churches in the Archdiocese
of Palo.